Vincent Pang Photography

Freelance Photographer in Malaysia for Wedding, Portrait, Events, Products, Fine Art and any photography related services

Vincent Pang's Gal

Yup I'm a proud father. My wife gave birth to a baby girl on 19th June 08. It is seriously another chapter in my life. I was with my wife but not in the room not because i'm afraid of blood, but I cannot bear the pain she is having. I just have to leave the room and stay outside or I think i'll whack the Dr. and nurses.

Well I do trust that they can do a good job as such i left. The actual pain lasted around 1.5 hour and I was outside hearing her complaining of pain. I left the hospital at 3.30am, and I went home, and i can tell you I can't sleep because I really felt the pain she was having. OUCH !

Less talking more photos

This is when she just born, about 1 hour old, the first thing I notice was her lips, so like her mother.

Day 1 - at home

Day 2 - sleeping most of her time


Day 3 - She opens her eyes, and peep at us

Day 4 - My mom feeding her

Comments (5) -

  • aprilcherrie

    7/17/2008 9:03:52 PM |

    wow wow.. congrats ooo pang... really sorry that i can't make it to visit you the other day ^^

  • vincentpang

    7/23/2008 12:55:30 AM |

    cherrie: hey no problem, do drop by for lunch when u r back to KL Smile

  • drewie

    8/3/2008 9:50:16 PM |

    congratulations on your new baby girl!

    she's incredibly sweet!

  • genedavinci

    10/6/2008 3:49:51 PM |

    congrates on your new-found status - you are the daddy level now Smile

  • vincentpang

    10/7/2008 8:58:48 PM |

    drewie: thanks

    genedavinci: thanks, when's your turn ?

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